Saturday, September 23, 2006


Space tourist enjoying her stay

Reuters -- The first female space tourist is enjoying her stay on the international space station (ISS) and is passing her time by taking photos of the view, a German astronaut told a news conference in a live link-up on Friday.
Germany's Thomas Reiter, who began a six-month stint on the space station in July, said Anousheh Ansari, a 40-year-old Iranian-American telecoms entrepreneur, was making the most of her 11 days in orbit.
"The mood up here is very good," Reiter told a news conference by live video link-up at the European Space Agency's operations centre (ESOC) in Darmstadt. "Time is going quickly ... and the food isn't bad."
"Our tourist is enjoying her stay. She is taking photos and has had radio contact over the amateur radio station. Meanwhile, we are just getting on with our jobs."
Reiter, a 48 year old father of two and veteran resident of the Russian Mir space station, is one of three crew members living on the ISS.



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